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SKIN PREP Instructions



  • For maximum results, spend the WEEK PRIOR to the show exfoliating  your skin daily. Best results are found when you stay hydrated by moisturizing 2x's a day until the day of your tan.  Any exfoliator without oils work, a great at home exfoliator is baking soda on a wet wash cloth. Pay special attention to your elbows, feet, heels, chest and back.  When you do exfoliate DO NOT SCRUB too HARD and scratch yourself. The better shape your skin is in the more the tan will absorb and look flawless on stage.

  • The base coats will be applied the day before the contest and touch-ups will be done the morning of the show.

  • The DAY OF your spray tan, DO NOT MOISTURIZE, put on DEODORANT, PERFUME/COLOGNE or MAKE-UP.  Ladies can apply make-up on show day. Deodorants/perfume/cologne can react with the tanning solution and turn your arm pits or other areas they contact green!

  • It is suggested to shave 8 hours before your spray tan, preferably the night before.  All waxing needs to be done 3 days prior to your tan.  Pedicures and manicures need to be done prior to your tan.  For men it is suggested to wear a clear polish on toes and nails.  We will also provide barrier cream for protection that can be easily wiped off after the application.  You cannot shower or shave after your color has been applied- until after your competition.  

  • TANNING BED INFO:  If you  are planning to develop a base tan prior to your competition tan DO NOT BURN.  We cannot fix peeling skin and you will not have a good look on stage once you are tanned due to splotches.  It is recommended to not tan in the bed longer than 7 minutes.  

  • THE DAY OF THE TAN- DO NOT MOISTURIZE, put on DEODORANT, PERFUME/COLOGNE or MAKE-UP.  Ladies can apply make-up on show day. Deodorants/perfume/cologne can react with the tanning solution and turn your arm pits or other areas they contact green! Come clean wearing black loose fitting clothing and flip-flops.  Do not wear RED, because the red dye in cotton tends to turn your skin GREEN! (This does not mean you can't wear a red suit.  Only the clothing wore directly after your tan.)  Over-sized shirts and over-sized pants made of stretchy fabrics are the best. Avoid stiff fabrics!  Wear clothing that glides over your skin or and will not disrupt the bronzer. Clothing that easily slips OVER your head is best.  Avoid zippers, snaps and buttons.  Do not wear jeans or waist trainers!

  • Women can be sprayed nude.  If you have long hair bring a hair tie.  We will provide a hair cap. Girls, buy Dixie cups and poke a hole in the bottom for using the restroom to prevent splatters.

  • Men may wear something smaller than their posing suit or bring an ankle sock for coverage. 

  • After your color has been applied, plan to sleep in your loose, over-sized clothing until the morning.  Do NOT sleep in the NUDE.  Also, you want to sleep in a cool environment to prevent from sweating.

  • It is highly recommended that you bring extra sheets to your hotel to prevent damaging the sheets!

  • *If during your spray appointment it has been determined that you have deviated from the above skin prep and recommendations without prior communication, you will be asked to re-shower.  You will be charged an additional $50 without no exceptions.  The disruption causes a delay in the schedule and additional product.  Please arrive early to your scheduled time.  If you arrive late someone else will be bumped ahead of you.  Also, please remember things happen and sometimes there can be delays, but we will try our best to stay on schedule.  Thank you for using Spray Glow Studio!

  • **PLEASE NOTE- If you have used another company's tanning product it is important that it be rinsed off the skin before being sprayed.  Please discuss the use of ANY other tanning products BEFORE your appointment.  We are NOT responsible for poor results with mixing products.  All of our tanning experts work hard to get you looking your best for the stage! Please feel free to tip if you please.


    EXFOLIATE! EXFOLIATE! I can stress enough how vital this is to having a flawless tan!

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Spray Glow- Lee's Summit

(816) 588-1281

5508 NE Oaks Ridge Lane

Lee's Summit, MO 64064

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